Tuesday, September 12, 2017

I Think the Chicken Has Gone Bad - A Humorous Anecdote

The other day we had somebody (a guy I consider my second son) help us clear out some scrap pieces of wood that were sitting in our hay shed. We have had hay in there before, but needed the extra space the wood was taking up to store more hay before the cold weather comes. We have kept a knife or two in the hay shed in the past to cut the bailing twine... keep this in mind...

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Chicken Keeping Without Plastic

By Guest-Writer, Ginny Chandoha

Being a chicken keeper is a daunting task if you are raising chicks yourself for the first time. You can read every book, and look at every chicken-related website, but it’s just like having children for the first time. There are situations you won’t find answers to anywhere and have to come up with your own plan of attack.

We raise our chickens ultra-organically. I say that because we go above and beyond what is called for in organic poultry keeping rules and regulations. While there is much discussion on feed and environment, when it comes to what our birds will eat or drink from is considered  standard, but not anything that could or should be considered organic and non-toxic. After all, we are what we eat, eats.

Having overcome an “incurable” autoimmune condition 8 years ago, I am always on the alert to anything potentially toxic to my health, and as a result, I carry that awareness into how I keep all my animals, furred and feathered.