
Monday, April 21, 2014

Been Gone Too Long!

Yes - I've been MIA for a while, but don't worry! I'll be posting more great articles soon.

Where have I been?

Moving the family, cat, 2 dogs and 50+ chickens to our new micro-farm about 2.5 hours away from the farm we were renting.

Oh, sweet Irony...  was this really the ONLY truck available in the size we needed?

Mr. Hawk seems positively delighted to have 50+ chickens in such close proximity! (And for the record, the horse trailer coop was a lifesaver when it came to moving!) See my Horse Trailer to Chicken Coop Transformation Here!

So keep checking back so you can find out what I am doing with this lovely shed:

(Here's a hint:)

See you soon!

~ Leigh


  1. Congrats on the new home!

  2. Ooooo, how exciting, a new home! We do need lots of pictures of your new new abode! :D

    And congrats, too! XXXXX

  3. Congratulations! Though I'd do anything to be able to downsize my 10 acres.... land isn't that wonderful when you don't have time or money for it...

  4. Congrats. I can't wait for the article.


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