
Monday, August 12, 2013

'Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breeds A to Z'... as Reviewed by Chickens

When Sarah Rosendahl contacted me and asked me if I'd like to review her book, 'Chickens! Illustrated Chicken Breeds A to Z' I thought it would be a lot of fun! But when I received the book, it almost instantly walked out of the room in the hands of my two daughters who promised they would return it when they were done reading it.

Apparently they were not done reading it for a number of days. Finally I issued an "Over Due" notice from the Library of Mom threatening dire consequences if the book was not returned in a timely manner. When that didn't work, I tore their room apart and finally found it under a pillow, where it had been stashed right next to a flashlight. Hmmm...

It goes without saying that the kids really enjoyed the engaging artwork and breed facts in this book - and when I finally got the chance to read it, I did too!

But the interesting thing was the reaction the chickens gave it when I took the book out in the chicken yard for a few creative marketing shots.

So - here is the review of this lovely book, as given by my rooster, Sorenson: 

Today a strange object appeared in the chicken yard. Because we are chickens, it is our sworn duty to check all strange objects for bugs.
But, before bug-eating could commence,
it was my job as a rooster to make sure the strange object would not eat the hens.
I got closer. The strange object did not eat me, but it did flutter a bit in the breeze.
Sadly, this strange object didn't have any bugs at all...
...but upon closer inspection I saw... CHICKENS!
I saw chickens that looked  like some of my friends...
...but the ones in the bugless object wouldn't squat for me. Pretty soon Penny came over to look too.
And then Elinor came over. We decided we really liked the beautiful, non-squatting chickens in the strange object!
And that strange objects like this should be shared with friends!

And there you have it, my friends - everybody on the farm enjoyed the beautiful artwork in this book. 

Annnnnnd.... there it goes in the hands of my youngest once again.

So, while I'm sure this wasn't exactly the book review Sarah Rosedahl had in mind when she approached me, I'll bet not every artist and author can say that their work is chicken-approved! 

We give this book 4 out of 4 chicken scratches for the radiant artwork.


  1. Fabulous review. I know Sarah, I know the book and I know it is enjoyed by both adults and children. But the chicken review and pictures are best of all.

  2. I agree. FABULOUS review. I LOVE the pictures! Amazing how you were able to capture the chickens reading Sarah's book. : )

  3. Beautiful appropriate review. Chickens everywhere are gaining new respect which has been long overdue. Well done!!!

  4. Great review! What kind of rooster is that?

    1. Thank you. Sorenson is a Swedish Flower Hen rooster.

  5. Wonderful review by a beautiful cast of critics! Sorenson and friends should create a book if their own, though I've not yet seen this book I've read other beautiful ones and know that your beauties, combined with their obvious talents would be stunning. I'm sure they wouldn't forget to include the bugs, or should I say book worms, for the feathered friends!!


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