
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

(Ended) Hen Bag Giveaway! Super-Cute Hen Purse

It's HERE! The adorable "HenBag" giveaway!


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2. Leave a comment on this post letting us know how much you pay for eggs. Want to see more details on the prize? Hen Purse "Henbag"

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You can earn extra entries by following the instructions in the Rafflecopter widget.

Be sure to visit this giveaway's co-hosting blogs and say hi!  

 ### Note: If you cannot see the Rafflecopter widget below, click here to see the widget and enter now. A winner will be chosen via This giveaway ends at 11:59PM on Thursday, December 19th, 2013. The winner will be contacted by email, and will have 48 hours to contact (hello at blueyurtfarms dot com) with his/her full name, address, and phone number. There is no purchase necessary to win. This giveaway is open to US and Canadian residents!

Best of luck! a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. pay $0 as I have RIR's hens. :D

  2. I no longer buy nasty tasting eggs from the store because I have 8 hens. I never knew how yummy fresh eggs could be until they started laying in late Oct. 2013. :D

  3. Right now my girls are producing for me! Adding the cost of the feed, and all the things I've bought in the last 2 years to make this possible, I'm thinking that the first dz was about $1800. After that, about $2 each (LOL).

    But...if I do buy eggs the price for a healthy dz around here is from $4 - $6 depending on where you get 'em!

  4. Since we raise our own, we don't buy eggs.. but going rate around here is $3 to $4 a dozen.

  5. If I have to reinforce the supply from my girls from a store... a dz. runs between $2.50 and $3. locally.. If I drive out to one of the farms then its anywhere from $2 to $4.

  6. $0 our 8 RR girls take very good car of us and our 9 kids. In our store they are about $3. We have a neighbor who sells 7 eggs for $1.

  7. I have 50 hens, so I'm not buying eggs. Eggs at the store are 2-3 dollars. I charge 2 bucks for a dozen healthy eggs. Sara

  8. Since I keep a flock of chickens, I pay for my eggs with feed and love.

  9. I pay a lot more than many, but I only *buy* HATCHING eggs... the eating kind I pick up where i find them. (the ground, nest boxes, the dog house, utility shelf under my deck, etc LOL)
    So I guess for my own eggs, I pay somewhere around the range of $15 a week in grain, but I get back a lot more than eggs for that $15... occasional meat, cute fuzzybutt chicks hatching, and who can put a price on the joy of just sitting and watching your flock do what they do best - be free ranging chickens!


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