
Monday, November 25, 2013

ALL the NCK 2014 Calendars are now Available !

The calendars are done and there are a few to choose from!

For the slightly less expensive versions available only in the US, click HERE. These calendars measure 11" x 17" when open. (Available in one size only.) $14.99 USD

For a bigger variety, including a BIGGER calendar, and for international chicken-lovers, we offer:

The NCK 2014 Calendar with Seasonal Tips (11" x 17" when open) $24.30 USD

The NCK 2014 Calendar Minimalist Edition - bigger photos and no seasonal tips. (11" x 17" open) $24.30 USD

The LARGE size NCK 2014 Calendar Minimalist Edition - bigger photos and no seasonal tips. (14 1/4" x 22" open) $30.20 USD

Standard version with Seasonal Tips:

Minimalist Version without tips:

International folks - please let me know if you have any trouble. 

And for all those planning on purchasing a calendar or six - Enjoy!!


  1. Need some help.

    What size is the calendar at the first link?

    What is the difference between the calendar with tips in the first link and the calendar with tips in the second link? (Prices are different.)

    1. Sorry about that! I have modified the post to include the measurements of the calendars. All the calendars with the exception of the Large one are 11" x 17" and the Large is 14 1/4" x 22".

      If people are interested, I can also create a Large calendar with the seasonal tips. Leave a comment if you would like that version.

    2. Thanks. So what is the difference between the one in the first link and the one in the second link since the prices are different? It sounds like you can get 3 different sizes on the second link but the one that says 11 x 17 is more in cost than the one in the first link.

      Just trying to figure it out so I can order the right one! :D

    3. The one in the second link is available internationally for a reasonable price whereas the one in the first link would cost $22 just in shipping to Canada and is not available to most other countries. (Different sources.) The price is higher for the one in the second link, but the shipping should be much lower for international readers.

      If you live in the US, go with the one in the first link unless you want the large size (4th link).
      Hope I have adequately answered your question -

    4. Yes! Thank you!


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